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- Proiect cultural finanțat de Ministerul Culturii -

Arte dell’Anima Association presents the reading show “CARNE” by Andreea Tănase, directed by George Zamfir, within the project “S (L) AVE”, a cultural project funded by the Ministry of Culture within the ACCES 2021 program.


The performances took place according to the following schedule:


October 12 – 19:00 – POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Room A01 of the ETTI faculty – Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology (UPB LEU Campus, Building A – ground floor, Iuliu Maniu Blvd., No. 1-3)

October 13 – 19:00 – ARCUB, Great Hall (Lipscani Street no. 84 – 90, Bucharest)

October 15 – 19:00 – Online on the ZOOM platform for the Municipal Cultural Center “Radu Șerban” Caracal

October 16 – 19:00 – Teatrelli (Alexandru Lahovari Square, no. 7, Bucharest)


“S (L) AVE” cultural project is a socio-cultural campaign to prevent human trafficking. The aim of the project is to encourage young people, especially women, to seek help from specialists when faced with a potential threat of human trafficking. For the second year in a row, Romania remains a focal point of Europe, being the main source of exports of people trafficked for sexual purposes or to be exploited at work, according to the report of the US State Department on human trafficking in 2020.


The project manager is Crina Lință, actress, accredited cultural manager and founder of the Arte dell’Anima Theatre.

Synopsis “MEAT” by Andreea Tănase


Two women, Eva and Ana, wake up on a road that neither of them would have expected. Starting from the effervescence of the beginning of a love story and from the promise of a job that puts the woman in the first place, the two young women end up being sexually exploited. From the two intertwining stories, the question “What could you have done?” arises, especially when there is no sign that things could get there. The cruel effects of human trafficking and sexual exploitation are investigated and brought to light by addressing issues such as love, sex, violence, vulnerability, trauma and healing.


SANDRA – Andreea Bibiri

CHRIST – Vlad Galer

EVA – Anda Sârbei

ANA – Cezara Petredeanu

Directed by George Zamfir

Technical direction: Bibere Alexandru

Psychologist: Carmen Buși

Project manager: Crina Lință


Duration: 90 minutes

Recommended audience: 14+


FREE ENTRY, based on prior reservation. Reservations can also be made by phone: 0733.060.033 or by e-mail

Arte dell’Anima Association aims to promote, support and involve young artists through cultural activities, community development through non-formal and extracurricular education activities, initiation and implementation of cultural projects at local, national and international level, in its areas of interest: culture, social environment and education.


Project partners:

Bucharest Social Assistance Department –

Necuvinte Association –

POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest –

Creart –

Municipal Cultural Center “Radu Serban” Caracal

Powered by:

Bucharest City Hall –

ArCuB –


About ARTE DELL’ANIMA Association

Arte dell’Anima Association is a non-profit non-governmental organization, established in 2015, based in Bucharest, Făinari Street, no. 17D.

Contact: 0733.060.033,

Summary of the project

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