"10 for BAC" - project implemented with the support of the Ministry of Culture
On January 21, 22 and 25, 2021, three reading workshops for high school students were held online at the Arte dell’Anima Theatre in Bucharest. The cultural project "10 for BAC" was an extraordinary success, both among students and teachers.
"10 for BAC" is a cultural project in which fragments from Romanian literary works were selected and dramatized, an important part of the subject for the Baccalaureate Exam. The selected texts were performed by the artistic team formed by the actors Andreea Bibiri, Lucian Iftime, Adrian Ciobanu and Vlad Lință, under the guidance of the director Mara Oprea. The moderator of these artistic moments was Irina Cerchia. The image director Ștefan Coman ensured the quality of the image and sound during the workshops.
The opening that the participating students showed was an extraordinarily pleasant surprise for all those involved in this project.
"I loved it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this experience that brought the art and human emotions back to me, things that I missed during this time. I promise you that these words were not said in vain and I will gladly come to the plays of these talented actors and any others", said one of the students after the reading show.
500 DVDs were made and distributed to educational institutions in Bucharest and in the country, especially in rural areas.
Arte dell'Anima Association would like to thank the entire artistic team, the "Mihai Viteazul" National College and the "Elena Cuza" National College, the coordinating teachers Steliana Bradescu, Nicoleta Badescu and Mihaela Oana, the guests of honor Irina Margareta Nistor and Nona Rapotan, as well as all the media partners who supported us in promoting this project.
Cultural project realized with the support of the Ministry of Culture.